
Shockwave Lithotripsy (ESWL) in Delhi

Kidney Stone Treatment Camp (8th to 22nd Jan. 2018)

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We offers the best procedure & cost for ESWL/Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy in Delhi (South Delhi) & the procedure is done by one of the best urologist at Care Well Medical Centre. No cut, no bleeding & no hospitalisation & the stones are treated, which is why ESWL treatment is so popular to treat kidney stones without surgery

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL)

ESWL is the type of kidney stone treatment that uses shock waves for fragmenting the stone. From outside the body, the pressure waves are targeted directly towards the kidney stone that fragments the stones inside the kidney or the urinary tract. This treatment is a non surgical, non invasive procedure through which the stones can be removed from the body with the help of high intensity shock waves that travels from the skin, tissues and then reaches to the stone & convert stone into fragments. On the basis of the size and location of Kidney stones, the doctor usually recommends for ESWL procedure. ESWL breaks the kidney stone into tiny pieces that can easily pass in urine.

Some of the types of kidney stones react fabulously with ESWL. Stones that are not more than 2 cm in diameter are best for the ESWL treatment. Larger stones with more than 2 cm of diameter cannot be treated effectively using this procedure.

For ESWL treatment procedure, x-ray and shock waves are required and thus some people having bleeding disorder, morbidly obese, skeletal abnormalities or the pregnant women cannot be treated.

Advantages of ESWL

Unlike other treatments, there are several advantages of ESWL treatment such as:

  • The main advantage of ESWL treatment is that this procedure is fully non-invasive, i.e. It treats the kidney stone without any sort of incision

  • Outpatient procedure & takes only an hour

  • No damage to kidney or nearby organ

  • This procedure is convincingly successful

  • No blood transfusion

  • Low risk of infection

  • Reduced hospital stays

  • Reduced recovery time

How it is performed?

Before starting the treatment the patient will be positioned on the operating table so that the stone can be targeted properly with the shock wave. Water-filled cushion is placed, supporting the abdomen or at the back of the kidney. When ureter of the patient is blocked, tubes i.e. Stents are used by doctors to avoid infection, pain and reduced functionality of the kidney.

Patient have to avoid certain medications such as aspirin, Advil, Ticlid, Lovenox, Vioxx, Plavix, Vitamin E and any other sort of arthritis medicine before going for the surgery because these particular medicines may be responsible for bleeding. Before the surgery the patients last urine culture should be proper before the procedure actually starts. Any infection in the urinary tract must be cured before the surgery actually takes place.

Most of the ESWL treatments are performed on an outpatient basis because they follow a non-invasive method. Mild anesthesia must be injected into the patient for improved results. Once the patient is anesthetized, with the help of the x ray machine the location of kidney stone is identified. Once the exact location is found the series of shock waves are administered at a particular rate to that particular place so that the kidney stone breaks down into small tiny pieces. Breaking of kidney stone helps a lot in minimizing injuries that may be caused to the kidney or the nearby organs. This complete procedure of ESWL lasts for about an hour.

After Care

Just after the ESWL Procedure the patient may feel pain or discomfort for a day or two. As soon as the effect of anesthesia drops dull ache or pain over the kidney is at its peak. You may also notice blood in urine for some weeks after the surgery took place.

The recovery time taken from a patient who has undergone ESWL is comparatively very short. One don’t need to stay in the hospital at all. Just after the treatment the patient can start walking if he/she prefers to. In a day or two, some people even start doing their daily activities. The doctor recommends them to drink plenty of water or fluids that can help the tiny bits of stone to pass in the urine. The bits and tiny pieces of kidney stone may be evident in the urine for several weeks that may cause uneasiness or mild pain.

If you still have large stone, then you must go for the second round of ESWL procedure or other kidney stone treatment.


What types of stones can be treated?

Stones that are not more than 2 cm in diameter can be treated best using the ESWL procedure. Through this method you can easily break kidney stones of different sizes, shapes and types. Almost all types of kidney stone can be broken into fine particles without any surgical methods.

Can recurrent stones be treated?

Once the patient is declared to be free from stone a full evaluation is done to clarify the reasons behind the formation of stones. The urologists then recommend that some precaution must be followed religiously so that recurrent kidney stone formation can be prevented.

Can recurrent stones be treated?

The recurring stones can be treated through this method and avoiding food that is high in protein and oxalate after the treatment is recommended. Proper diet with medication prescribed by the doctor must be religiously taken to avoid re-growth of kidney stones.

What preparations are required for Lithotripsy?

For Lithotripsy the doctors first does the routine checkup and the usual investigations that are required beforehand for finding out if there is any infection in the urinary tract and also the last urine culture.

How long does the treatment last and what is the duration of hospital stay?

ESWL treatment takes approximately 30 to 60 minutes completely depending upon the number and size of the kidney stone. This treatment is basically an outpatient procedure, thus there is no need for a hospital stay as such.

Whether elderly patients and patients suffering from other medical problems can be treated?

Elderly people and patients suffering from other medical problems can be treated if doctor find the patient fit enough to be treated. Some people are not allowed to undergo this treatment such as pregnant women or people suffering from bleeding disorders, morbidly obese, skeletal abnormalities.

What happens after the stone is fragmented?

Once the stones fragment into tiny pieces through the ESWL procedure the doctors ask their patient to drink plenty of fluids. So that the patient can pass these fragmented particles in urine. If in case they do not pass then in that case another intervention has to be done.

Who will impart the treatment?

The ESWL treatment will be carried out by the team of specialized and renowned Lithotripsy consultants along with the urologist.

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