We offers the best procedure & cost for PCNL/Key Hole Surgery in Delhi (South Delhi) & is performed by one of the best urologist at Care Well Medical Centre. Minimum bleeding & recovery time with best results is the reason why PCNL is the best option to remove larger kidney stones
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is also known as Key Hole surgery that is usually preferred by the doctors for removing stones in the kidney that are larger than 2cm in diameter. This surgery is performed by making a 1 cm small incision in the flank above the kidney or upper ureter. A guide wire is then passed to the kidney, through this small incision. The Keyhole Surgery is carried out with the help of fluoroscopy or x-ray control
The main benefit of keyhole surgery is that, it can treat bigger stones that cannot be treated with ESWL technique. This procedure is accomplished using minimally invasive manner instead of bigger incision on the skin overlying the kidney
The kidney stones are removed in a single sitting itself and are cleared of all the calculi.
Less pain, bleeding and scaring
Only 3 to 4 days of stay in the hospital after the surgery
In comparison to the traditional open surgery, the recovery time after this procedure is shorter. Many patients get back to their routine within a week or two. Although for rigorous workout or activities the patients may have to wait for at least 4 weeks
About 90 to 95% of the stone can be cleared successfully with this procedure. The success actually depends upon the size of the kidney stone along with its number and location where it is situated. At times if the numbers of stones are more, then in such situation second procedure may be required
Before the Keyhole surgery is performed, the surgeon requires to check for the detailed imaging to find out about the kidney stone with the help of KUB i.e. Kidney, ureter and bladder X-ray, CT Scan of abdomen or Ultra Sound. So that the surgeon can get all the details that are required, such as about the size, location and number of kidney stones along with the details about kidney and their nearby organs. On the basis of these reports the surgeon is able to plan the best access points so that they can effectively remove the stones from the kidney or urinary tract
Before the surgery actually takes place the patient is advised not to eat or drink for at least 6 hours because the keyhole surgery is performed under the effect of general anaesthesia. Regular medication except blood thinning agents can be taken with doctors’ approval. MSU test is performed to make sure that the urine is sterile. The other tests that a surgeon has to study about before the surgery actually takes place are the urine culture, blood count and kidney function. Once everything is perfect according to the surgeon the operation is carried forward.
The patient will be asked to lay straight on their back on the operation table for the surgery. Their keyhole surgery is accomplished with the help of x-ray imaging that instructs 1cm tube to reach into the kidney. Through this tube the kidney drainage system can easily be accessed using telescope and other medical instruments that help in visualizing, fragmenting the stones and removing them. Nephrostomy tube that is also called a drainage catheter that is inserted inside the skin in left till the procedure is completely finished. Before the discharge, this tube will be removed.
The Nephrostomy tube that is used for draining of kidney along with the urinary catheter in-situ is removed before you get discharged from the hospital. After the discharge, for almost a week or two you may notice bloodstains in urine. Imaging is performed as soon as the surgery gets over. At times, some minor surgery is required to clear away rest of the stones that are remaining in the body. On an average, you may get discharge from the hospital in just 4 days.
After coming from the hospital you will need to relax at least for a week till you recover completely. You may have a feeling of minor discomfort because of the wound from the surgery. To prevent infection the doctor will prescribe some antibiotics for 5 days that should be religiously taken. If by any chance you feel unwell then immediately contact the doctor. For follow up you should visit the doctor in 6 weeks time. In some cases the urinary stent is placed to make sure that the urine drains properly in the bladder. Once it is confirmed that all is well the stent is removed in the first follow up itself.
The kidney stone that is over 2 cm in diameter and that cannot be treated with ESWL procedure is treated best with the help of Keyhole surgery (PCNL). The stones that are very difficult to break or reach out using Ureteroscopy or ESWL can be treated through this.
Once the patient is declared to be free from stone a full evaluation is done to clarify the reasons behind the formation of stones. The urologists then recommend that some precaution must be followed religiously so that recurrent kidney stone formation can be prevented.
For the PCNL/Key Hole Surgery patient must have their detailed imaging ready i.e. KUB X ray, CT Scan and Ultrasound of the abdomen and kidney so that the surgeon can examine and plan the best access point to remove stones from the kidney. Other than this Nephrostomy tube, micro telescope and medical instruments are required for visualizing, fragmenting and removing the stones.
The complete procedure of treatment or surgery takes around a day or two. Once the treatment is over, you will have to stay in the hospital for only 3 to 4 days.
Patients taking normal medications can undergo this treatment, but people who are taking medications related to blood thinning agents may not be the right patient for this treatment.
The PCNL or keyhole surgery is successfully carried out by the team of specialized surgeon, anaesthetist, radiologist, urologist and nursing staff.
The cost of this treatment depends upon the size, number and location of the kidney stone specifically. Consult the doctor for the current cost and best quotes that are available.