
Tattoo Removal and Tattoo Removal Cost

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Tattoo Removal in Delhi: All about Tattoo Removal Cost, Procedures & Techniques

Best cost & procedures available for Tattoo removal & tattoo removal surgery in Delhi at Care Well Medical Center under supervision of Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Sandeep Bhasin

A tattoo is an extension of oneself, people get tattooed with symbols, animals, memory of a person, spiritual, etc. A tattoo is a body art made by inserting ink into the skin with the help of a needle.

In other words tattoos are permanent markings made on the skin with needles into the top layer of the skin or the epidermis. A plethora of ink types and pigments are used to create tattoos, this ink moves into the second layer of the skin making the process permanent, it stays for an entire life as a result of the stability of the dermis.

For some or many people, the tattoo journey could end at some point of time as the situation demands its removal. Individuals going for administrative or civil services cannot have tattoos on their body, military services do not accept tattoos done as well, other careers such as air hostess also do not allow it, or simply put you don’t want it anymore as it has faded, you are changing a career, or it just does not connect with you and you want a new one done.

There are various tattoo removal surgeries & techniques wherein, Care Well Medical Center can actually remove your tattoo(s) with safety and without much pain:


What is it?

Dermabrasion is an exfoliation technique wherein the outer layer of the skin is removed. The Dermabrasion technique is used to treat many other conditions such as acne, age spots, wrinkles, uneven skin tone, tattoos and lots more. Care Well Medical Center delivers state-of-the-art tattoo removal services by Dermabrasion techniques. A complete solution is delivered under supervision of Dr. Sandeep Bhasin (cosmetic surgeon).

How does it work?

The Dermabrasion technique is a process wherein an unwanted tattoo can be removed by scraping away the top layer of the skin, this removes the pigments of the tattoo. A surgeon shall deliver a local anesthetic that would help numb the area of removal. A sanding device called dermatome is used to scrape away the layers of the skin, as well as the dermis layer of the skin where the ink is situated. People with bleeding disorders and keloidal scars should not undergo Dermabrasion.

Effectiveness of the procedure

This process works best for small tattoos and it would be completely inefficient for bigger designs or pieces.

Post Procedure

After the operation, the skin can turn red, swollen or sore. The surgeon would need to bandage it, as it would take a few weeks to heal. The treated area can take up to a couple of months to heal. New skin can be sensitive after the procedure and thus it needs to be kept covered in the sun, no cosmetic products should be applied on that area, care should be taken to avoid infection.

Dermabrasion followed by Melanocyte Treatment

Melanocyte treatment works at a cellular level, wherein melanocytes and keratinocytes are surgically implanted on people who have undergone tattoo removal after Dermabrasion or Vitiligo. This process has a success rate of more than 90%, individuals need to undergo phototherapy to simulate new cells and create new pigments in the treated area.

Skin Grafting Technique

The skin grafting technique involves taking skin from another part of the body and overlapping it on the tattooed area(s). The healing of the wound and the application of new skin that is sutured grows together. New skin is mostly taken from parts of the underarm and thighs. Skin grafting technology is used for very large tattoo sizes.

Grafting procedures at Care Well Medical Center is done under the expert guidance of Dr. Sandeep Bhasin. There are two types of Skin Grafting Procedures:

Split Level Thickness Grafts

Two layers of the skin are removed in this process- the epidermis and the dermis. New skin is taken from the donor site and grafted on the operated areas. As this covers larger portion of the skin, it is mostly used to cover larger areas of tattoo removal. This grafting procedure bring out a smooth appearance on the skin. These grafts cannot grow or merge with the existing skin and thus other grafting procedures need to be carried out.

Full Thickness Grafts

This grafting technique involves removal of new skin from donor site at the muscle and cellular level along with the top two layers of the skin. These grafts can grow with the old skin, and does not require other surgical procedures.

The Procedure

The grafting procedure involves a surgeon administering a general anesthetic. Skin from the donor site is removed, mostly from the underarms or thighs. The surgeons at Care Well Medical Center would carefully place the skin over the transplant area, and suture it with staples or stitches. It is then bandaged to keep it safe from infections and physical injuries.

After Care

Skin Grafts are very fragile and need utmost care post-surgery. The dressing needs to be kept in place as advised by the dermatologist or surgeon. Strenuous activities need to be avoided until the sutures melt or the stitches are removed. The wound needs to be kept dry and it should not be rubbed as it could remove the graft or infect it as well. There will be two scars, one on the donor side and the other on the transplant side.


The excision procedure is used by surgeons and dermatologists for removing small tattoos. In this process, a surgeon performs the operation under a local anesthetic, wherein the skin with the tattoo is removed with the ink from the dermis layer. The skin is then re-attached with sutures and stitches. It is possible that more than one sitting maybe required to get the tattoo removed.

Effectiveness of the procedure

This procedure is very effective for smaller tattoos and it delivers high precision. There can be discoloration, infection, some scarring of the skin after the procedure.

Post-operative care

Patients need to take care of the wound by avoiding the wound from direct sunlight, applying a moisturizing cream to avoid scarring, as well as application of cold packs and antibiotics are administered.

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